Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Elder Simonson

We heard from the Assistants to President Woodland, Jacob's Mission Pres. early this morning telling us of Jacob's safe arrival in Belgium! Although he looks a little tired...and maybe a little scared...he looked GREAT to me! I was excited to see his smile and know that all was well. I have posted the letter from the mission office on his blog. He is serving with an Elder Musters right inside the city of Brussels, and it sounds like his P-day will be on Monday, so we probably won't have an e-mail from him until next Monday. His new address is posted, so please write him! I know he needs our love and support and prayers right now the most!


Jana said...

Sounds like you and Brent are truely empty nesters. I guess you have been for a while. I hear that Andrea and Scott are in our ward, but I not met them yet. I will see if someone can point me the right direction. I will let them know you send your love. I hope you and Brent are doing well and that all the family is great. You should go visit Mark and Colleen, I am sure they would love having welcomed guest. We sure love you all! Thanks again for all your help with my wedding.

Call Commotion said...

Kristi!!! Yay I found you! :) Tanessa just called me tonight and told me she had a now I am in the loop! Thanks for your fun memories!! I remember that fun time! Let's do it again! Sounds like Jake is doing good!

Ray and Donna Hamblin said...

We're happy to know Jake arrived safely and is getting settled into missionary work -- we know he will be the BEST!!
Thanks for posting his letters,info., address, etc.
We're always happy to hear about what's happening there.

Love you, Mom