Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Camping and Boating!!

Brent and I had the opportunity to go up to Lewiston this past week and spend a couple of days camping and boating at Dworshak Reservoir.  It was so beautiful up there...lots of trees and shade for camping.  We picked a boat access only camping spot and hauled in all our stuff.  Danny, Trisha, Ali and Grant went with us, and it was a big help having them there to carry all our stuff and help set up camp.  We each had a tent site with an outhouse and we had a couple of picnic tables and a firepit that sat up on a little hill that looked over the lake.  It was so pretty at night when the moon would come out and reflect across the lake!  We were able to get to a floating dock that had a swimming area in the middle...that was pretty neat...and we set up our canopy and stayed on the dock all day Friday, and most of the day Saturday.  We boated and tubed and Brent even skied and kneeboarded.  We had a great time and enjoyed the swimming and the food.  Trisha and her Dad were pretty good dutch oven cooks!!  Ali and I stuck to what we did best...riding the tube!  Trisha's family went exploring one day and discovered a couple of rattlesnakes...yikes!...but they didn't bother us, thank heavens.  We loved the reservoir and we all had a great time.  I hope we can go back sometime.  I didn't get my camera packed, so I don't have any pictures, and we were so busy having fun that Trisha only got a few, but if you check out her blogspot, you can see those!!


Hammy said...

Hey kristi!
So good to hear from you! Thanks for the comment. Ha those photos..dont we look oh so happy? haha
How are you doing? hows life?
Uncle kevin just came over to visit, that was a surprise. Anywho let me know whats up. Miss you

peace and love.

Hammy said...

U are loosing it! hahaha i joke i joke. Thanks for the 3 comments! I felt special when i got them :) haha u make me laugh
and im glad to know SOMEONE likes my blog. Grandma didnt care for the music to much idk why cause my music is BOMB!
haha anyways ttyl