Monday, July 6, 2009

4th of July/Flash Flood!

Our 4th of July started out like any other Independence Day.  We woke up to a beautiful blue sky and nice weather.  We spent the morning getting things ready for our annual "Water Party"  We set up slip and slides...little pools for water baseball, tables and chairs for our meal, and took seats down to set up for the parade.  Clinton, Katie and Corgin went to the "Candy Parade" with us, and Brent's sister Paula and her 2 little grandkids joined us there also.  It was a fun parade, the sun was getting hot, and after acquiring a fair amount of candy, we packed up and came home !  When we got home, we filled about 250 balloons with water and put them in the coolers for safe keeping.  About this time, people started arriving for lunch, bringing their salads and desserts, and Clint and Katie started making the homemade rootbeer.  Brent cooked the marinated chicken and we just had a fun fiesta!!  After dinner, we were all getting ready to play a little "Water Baseball" and we chose up sides and started the game.  As we started playing...a little sprinkle of rain started coming...but we decided that we were going to get wet PLAY ON!!  We were only in the bottom of the first inning when BOOM!!!  Hard rain and hail started pelting us, and we all ran for cover in the garage.  After quite a bit, we decided that it wasn't going to let up, and the game would have to be we all went in the house to sit out the storm.  When all of a sudden we heard loud noises...pelting sounds and rushing water!!  We all ran back out to the garage to see what was going on!  Little did we know that we were amongst a one of a kind FLASH FLOOD!  We had quite a day witnessing the rushing rivers behind and in front of our house...the new waterfalls cutting through our fields and quakies and hail denting all our cars.  Also, our next door neighbor's house in the swell caught the brunt of the waters crashing into and breaking all their windows in their window wells and filling their basement with over 6 feet of mud and water!!  Quite a memorable 4th of July!  I have posted all of our videos on YouTube if you would like to see them.  They are titled "Flash Flood in Inkom, ID"  posted July 6th!  Check it out!  Also...boys will be boys, and Dustin and Clinton ran all the bases and did the slip and slide even in the hail to score points for their team...I just didn't get a video of it...but Trevor and Dallin were captured in this little clip...they had a little foot race out to the 'rushing waters'!  


The Hamblin's said...

What a crazy day. At least it wasn't cold. I guess you can't take the kid out of boys. I'm sure they had to wash off before going anywhere in the house. I like the videos. Good job getting those.

Heather said...

Well, I guess it still qualified as a "water" party. . . just a little differently than the way you normally do it =0)

Katie said...

Ya that was a little crazy for July. But hey, it keeps the weather cool anyway. The bad thing is the repairs my parents have to make.

Rebecs said...

Wow! Glad that your house survived. Jana told me Tanessa is prego, is she going to make that public ever? Or am I just missing it on her blog? So fun that Jaron and Heather surprised you in NY and you got to take that fun trip with the girls and their families!