Monday, May 9, 2011

Random trip to Lewiston/Moscow

I took a little trip up to Northern Idaho.  There was a lot going on up there, and I just wanted to see them all and be a part of it!
AND, a trip to Lewiston would not be complete without a trip to Waffles and More!
 Grant and his funny face waffle.
 Ali enjoying the hot chocolate
 And Grant's favorite!!!  The Whipped Cream!
I said there was a lot going on...well, I was able to be there when the ring finally showed up, so I got to be a part of the engagement!  Jake and Janelle are engaged to be married on June 18th!  We are excited to have her as part of our family, although she already has will finally be official!
 While I was there, the Young Women of the Institute Wards gave her a little bridal shower, and she invited Trisha and I.  It was fun to be there and take part.  She was so cute!  and funny!
 There must be something in the water in Moscow...all six of these friends got engaged in the last few months and are all getting married right away!  Janelle was the youngest engagee!!
 Then, the main reason I went to Lewiston...because Danny invited me to come see him for his Birthday!  Sorry to say, but I had to leave the day before his birthday, and his present I ordered him didn't even make it in I felt pretty bad about that!  I didn't even get a picture of him on this trip, so I will use one from an earlier birthday...he still looks the same!  haha  
He is a great part of our family, we enjoy his smile, his antics, his charisma, his charm...and we are so proud of the person that he is and has become!  Happy Birthday, Danny,  love you!

1 comment:

Trisha said...

Thanks for the pics. We did have some fun things while you were here. Too bad you left and missed out on engagement photos, birthday, and mothers day! We had fun and thanks for visiting, your always welcome. (Janelle just said yesterday that she is dying for some waffles n'more. I rubbed it in that we just went.)