Monday, September 29, 2008

Hi from home!

Tanessa told me that I needed a new post, so here it is!  Just a hello from me...and to let you all know that you need to write Jake a letter!  I know, I dropped the ball this week, and he didn't have any emails or letters, so GET ON THE BALL, everyone...write him a letter or send me an email and I will forward it to him!  Thanks, and have a great day!


Jacob said...

I already wrote him a letter that he should've got and I wrote him a letter today!

Ray and Donna Hamblin said...

I sent a letter with Sister Magerotte that Jacob should have probably last week or this week. Unless they decide to stay in SLC for Conf. I will get another one off to him soon anyway.
Thanks for the post showing your house -- it looks pretty good. No snow yet! HA!
Love you!