Monday, April 6, 2009

Back Home!

My little vacation has ended...sad to say!  I spent almost 2 weeks with Danny, Trisha, Ali, and Grant.  They are always so hospitable and nice to me.  They make me feel right at home and part of the family, I really appreciate that (even when I stay WAY too long!)  It was Ali's Spring Break, so I got to see quite a lot of her, that was nice.  She has a great fan club in Clarkston and the doorbell rings first thing every morning with friends that want to play with her!  She is a great helper and has a chore chart that she has to earn stickers for jobs and then trade them in for playtime, so she is always scurrying around to get her jobs done so she can go outside!  Grant is still not so sure about Gramma...I think he likes me...but I was NOT his Momma!  He really likes his mom, and so when I am around, he likes to be with Mom!  I got lots of smiles and hugs and even kisses, as long as he felt secure with mom, or if mom was not around, then he was fine, but with her there, the only time he would decide to come with me is if I told him we would go for a ride in Gramma's car!  He really liked my car...even if he didn't really care for me!  ha  Danny had to work most of the time I was there, but he did have the weekend off, and it was fun to spend some time with him.  On Monday, Trisha was sick, so Danny and I went to lunch, and that was like old times sake and fun!  He used to let me take him to lunch about once a week when they lived here.  He's always a hoot to be around, makes me laugh most of the time or at least smile!  Trisha and I...well, we got very familiar with the sewing machine while I was there!  We spent a few days sewing...Danny had us working on a 'secret project' for prototypes, Trisha and I were also making dresses.  Ali got a beautiful new Easter Dress (on Trisha's blog) and I was able to make Emmy and Lilly Easter dresses with a lot of help from Trisha!  It was fun to work together and it made everything go a lot faster with one sewing and the other pressing and pinning or vice versa.  Danny even sat and watched us the one night and was getting a few sewing lessons...ha (he wanted to!)  All in all it was a fun trip.  We did have a couple of very good laughs about me and seems I had a curse while in Lewiston with every place we went to eat!!  We either "got behind a few big tables" or "had a new waitress" or "was having a Record Night!"  Whatever the excuse, we would wait forever for food or service and always end up being stuck for a couple of hours waiting...after about the third straight became a stinkin' joke!  We kept getting coupons for their lousy service or slow food, so we were getting quite a collection of free stuff...I finally decided we should go out every night and see how long the weird streak could possibly last!!  Maybe you had to be there...but anyway, we had some laughs.  I would love to post some pictures of my trip, but Brent had taken my camera to Moab with him, so I got stuck with the video camera, and that's all I got, so sorry!  Thanks again to Danny and Trisha for letting me come hang out with you!  Love ya!


Cami said...

Sounds like a wonderful week!! I can't wait to check out Trisha's blog to see those dresses. Easter dresses are what makes up part of Easter!!!

Take more flu bugs! ugh! Though 6 pounds, huh? But, painful. lol

Ray and Donna Hamblin said...

Glad you're home, but happy you got to have a neat vacation. Now, it's time to get ready for Tanessa's visit -- lucky you!!! I seldom get visits from my daughter or daughters-in-law. HA!! We're looking forward to having Clint & Katie & Corgin visit us, can hardly wait!