Our family only
has one summer birthday...and that's my Tanessa. On July 15th, she turned 25! The only problem with that this year was that it coincided with our return from Europe and a huge gathering of chaos and comotion at our house!
So unfortunately, Tanessa's birthday got somewhat overlooked this year. I'm so sorry Tess! But I wanted everyone to know how much I love my delightful daughter, and a few things about her!
Tanessa is a go-getter...anything she sets her mind to, she can do!
She is a little slower going about things than some people...we always teased her when she was younger about how SLOW she moved...She just takes her time, I guess...and enjoys life along the way! I think her speed is getting a little faster now that she is a mom and has to chase after two little girls!
She is a great wife to Jacob...she loves to cook and makes him all kinds of specialties! She supports him in all his callings and his school, and loves to spend time with him.
She is a great mom to Addisyn and Brielle. She was such a little princess when she was growing up, and now has a couple of her own!
Tanessa has always been a loving and sweet person, one who can go crazy with her imagination, crack us up with her silly comments, and has brought much joy and happiness into our family.
She is a great daughter, grand-daughter, sister, wife, and mother...she is always thinking of her family and friends and does so much for all of us. She can cook a gourmet meal, plan a great party, decorate the coolest cakes...but she doesn't like doing dishes much!
We tease her about her potty mouth...not that it's that dirty...but she tells it like it is, and doesn't beat around the bushes much. (hmmm...sounds a little like her mother!)
She is creative...ambitious...loving...and sensitive. She loves a good party, and for that Tess...I am sorry yours was so lame this year!
It was so fun to have her and the two little girls home with us this year for her birthday! We miss her so much now that she is in FLORIDA!! Happy birthday, Tessy-poo...I love you so much...you mean the world to me, and I miss you!!